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All In-Library Pick Up Orders will be place in Strozier Library. For more information about services and operations visit our COVID-19 News page. BrillOnline Reference Works Database Permalink : Founded in 1683, Brill is a publishing house with a rich history and a strong international focus. BrillOnline Reference Works Home > Language and Linguistics > Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics > Tea Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics Tea (1,491 words) 1. Introduction The story of tea begins where the far southwest of what is now China's Yúnnán province meets what is now As early as 1841, the ÀÁrst volume of an English translation, the work of A. Sprenger, appeared in London, and later Barbier de Meynard and Pavet de Courteille edited and translated the entire text into French (Paris 1861-77, 2nd ed. 1913-30); this work has been extensively exploited by orientalists, notably by Marquart ( Streifzüge, Leipzig 1903) and A. Seippel ( Rerum normannicarum fontes arabici, Oslo 1896 … The Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations Reference Works.

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