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Similar posts. Orgalime s 2000 Orgalime S2000 ECE 188 + Addendum (+ NTLB 02, VTA 2004 , Orgalime S 2000 S, Orgalime SW 01) Laitetoimitus + asennus NLM 10 + sopimuspohja Orgalime SE 01 (+ Orgalime SW 01) ECE188 A + Addendum Huolto-, kunnossapito- ja korjauspalvelut NU 06 FI (uudistettu 2011)+ sopimuspohja NR 06 FI (uudistettu 2011) Orgalime SI 14 ersätter SE 01. Som grund till SI 14 ligger leveransavtalet Orgalime S 2012, men till SI 14 är även installationsdelen inkluderad. Avtalet är på 8 sidor och säljs i buntar om 10 st. Pr FlexLinkの国際取引には、弊社で特に規定していない限り、Orgalimeの調達一般条件(S2012)、および、調達と据付の一般条件(SI14)が適用されます。詳細はこちら:www.orgalim.eu Content description. European Union Orgalime S2000 terms for the Supply of Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

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Rev.02-July 2013 Page 1 of 3 Customer OFFICIAL ABB OFFICIAL ABB Terms & Conditions ABB ADDENDUM TO ORGALIME S 2000 1 GENERAL 1.1 Whenever ABB Limited (“ABB”) has referred to Orgalime S2000 in a quotation or other type of offer or in an order acknowledgement, Orgalime is the European Engineering Industries Association, speaking for 38 trade federations representing some 130,000 companies in the Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic, Metalworking & Metal Articles Industries of 23 European countries. Download Orgalime S2000 Download Orgalime S2012 Eng Orgalime S2000 ECE 188 + Addendum (+ NTLB 02, VTA 2004 , Orgalime S 2000 S, Orgalime SW 01) Laitetoimitus + asennus NLM 10 + sopimuspohja Orgalime SE 01 (+ Orgalime SW 01) ECE188 A + Addendum Huolto-, kunnossapito- ja korjauspalvelut NU 06 FI (uudistettu 2011)+ sopimuspohja NR 06 orgalime s2000 deutsch pdf The first version of the Orgalime-Supply Conditions has been already.Orgalime S 2000 General Conditions when the parties agree in. Licensed for electronic use by Alfa Laval Corporate AB Licence N 070403.These supplementary conditions regulate the rights • Orgalime S 2012 (+ NTLB 02, VTA 2004, Orgalime S 2012 S, Orgalime SW 14 • ECE 188 + Addendum Laitetoimitus + asennus • NLM 10 + sopimuspohja • Orgalime SI 14 (uusi, korvaa Orgalime SE 01:n) (+ Orgalime SW 14) • ECE188 A + Addendum Huolto -, kunnossapito - ja korjaus- palvelut Orgalim (derived originally from the French Organisme de Liaison des Industries Métalliques Européennes) represents Europe's technology industries, comprising 770,000 companies spanning the mechanical, electrical and electronics, and metal technology branches.The industry employs about 11.55 million people in Europe, generating an annual turnover of €2,298 billion and represents one-third ORGALIME SE 01 GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR THE SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS Brussels, September 2001 PREAMBLE 1. These General Conditions shall apply when the parties agree In Writing or otherwise thereto. When the General Orgalim's legal publications provide companies with contractual solutions for business-to-business relations - from general conditions to model forms to guides on key EU policy and regulatory issues.

ABB Addendum to Orgalime S 2000. Turbochargers.

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The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser in writing of the acceptance tests in sufficient time to permit the Purchaser to be represented at the tests. If the Purchaser is not represented, the ORGALIME "Diamant" building, Boulevard A. Reyers 80, B – 1030 Bruxelles Tel : (32) 2 706 82 35 – Fax : (32) 2 706 82 50 – e-mail : secretariat@orgalime.org Licensed for electronic use by Alfa Laval Corporate AB; Licence N° 07/04/03 ORGALIME ABB Addendum to Orgalime S 2000. Turbochargers.

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Orgalime s2000 suomeksi

Content description. European Union Orgalime S2000 terms for the Supply of Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Full content. Available in these languages : ORGALIME S 2000. E. ALFVE. GENERAL CONDITIONS for the.

European Union Orgalime S2000 terms for the Supply of Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Equipment. PR electronics käyttää yleisiä toimitusehtoja Orgalime S2000. Orgalime S2000 -ehdoissa määritellyt yleiset ehdot koskevat mekaanisten, sähköisten ja elektronisten laitteiden toimituksia. Ota yhteyttä pyytääksesi lisätietoja. Lisätietoja Orgalim-toimitusehdoista: www.orgalim.eu Orgalime S 2012 tilsvarer de nordiske leveringsbetingelsene NL 17. De avviker på noen områder, men innebærer i hovedtrekk det samme risikobildet. Anbefales over ECE 188.
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Lisätietoja Orgalim-toimitusehdoista: www.orgalim.eu Orgalime S 2012 tilsvarer de nordiske leveringsbetingelsene NL 17. De avviker på noen områder, men innebærer i hovedtrekk det samme risikobildet. Anbefales over ECE 188. Orgalime S 2012 dekker det samme leveringsområde som ECE 188, som har vært benyttet siden 50-tallet. Det anbefales imidlertid sterkt i stedet å nytte Orgalime S 2012.

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ORGALIME, der har udfærdiget betingelserne, er elektronikindustriens og jern- og metalindustriens europæiske samarbejdsorganisation. Grundlaget for S 2000 er de nordiske leveringsbetingelser NL 92. Orgalime S 2012 General conditions for the supply of mechanical, electrical and associated electronic products (entinen Orgalime S 2000) Orgalimen S2000-ehtojen Orgalime is the European Engineering Industries Association, speaking for 38 trade federations representing some 130,000 companies in the Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic, Metalworking & Metal Articles Industries of 23 European countries.

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It may not be stored on internal or external networks. 13. Försenas leveransen på during the contract period. ORGALIME has draftedrespective obligations. They should do so separately general conditions for maintenance of this type (ORGALIME-M2000-conditions). Neither should these General Conditions be used in a situation where a supplier of goods under a sales contract is obliged to repair defects during Created Date: 12/5/2008 2:51:03 PM The following documents are available for Raymarine marine electronics: manuals, mounting templates, 2D/3D models (CAD drawings) and Declaration of Conformity certificates.

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1. Dessa Allmänna Bestämmelser ska tillämpas när parterna ORGALIME S2000.

Rev.02-July 2013 Page 1 of 3 Customer OFFICIAL ABB OFFICIAL ABB Terms & Conditions ABB ADDENDUM TO ORGALIME S 2000 1 GENERAL 1.1 Whenever ABB Limited (“ABB”) has referred to Orgalime S2000 in a quotation or other type of offer or in an order acknowledgement, Orgalime S 2012 General conditions for the supply of mechanical, electrical and associated electronic products (entinen Orgalime S 2000) Orgalimen S2000-ehtojen If these Orgalime's conditions for Supply have been drawn up on the same basic principles as the UN ECE 188, there are substantial differences both as regards structure and content. The most obvious difference is that Orgalime S 2012 are complete and do not need a separate agreement on basic terms, such as the length of the defects liability Deutsch - Français – Suomeksi Dear Customer, if your company already uses Orgalime’s General Conditions in paper form but would also like to attach an electronic version of Orgalime’s General Conditions when sending tenders and contracts by email to your customers and suppliers, then this website is what you need.